
Source Sync


Digital right to work checks

Simplified process, enhanced security

We verify eligibility through the UK government portal and the right to work share code provided by the candidate. This approach ensures a smooth and reliable hiring process while maintaining compliance with legal requirements.

  • Our digital ID service facilitates smoother Right to Work checks, reducing the risk of ID fraud.
  • Meet your legal obligations effortlessly with our streamlined process.
  • Reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing HR to focus on core business activities.
  • Candidates and remote workers benefit from the convenience of digital verification, even when located far from company offices.

Digital id checks

Trusted and reliable digital id checks
  • Our Digital ID checks validate a person's identity online before employment, ensuring a smooth and reliable Right to Work process.
  • Compliance with legal requirements.
  • Avoid fines and legal repercussions: Employing individuals without the right to work can lead to substantial penalties.
  • Get set up quickly: Our dedicated account managers can have you running digital ID checks in less than an hour.

Efficient turnaround time

  • Efficient Setup: Our dedicated account managers ensure that you are promptly equipped to run digital ID checks.
  • Expedited Results: Candidates submit a selfie and digitally scanned identity documents, with checks completed as quickly as possible.

Hassle free verification services

  • Passport Verification Service: Upload passport and visa copies for validation, ensuring compliance with Right to Work legislation.
  • Scanned documents are securely stored for auditing and monitoring purposes.

With Source Sync, you can ensure compliance, enhance security and streamline your hiring process with our right to work checks and passport verification services. trust us to help you hire with confidence and efficiency.